Thursday 7 February 2013

velvety pumpkin soup with rice and cinnamon

last night i made some soup i used the velvety pumpkin soup with rice and cinnamon recipe but i could not get a pumpkin here at this time of year so i used a butternut squash in its place. First i got all the ingredients i needed out and i chopped the butternut squash
i put the butternut squash in a soup pot and added the milk and set it to boil while i mixed my stock up
after i mixed out the stock i added it in, at this time i also started boiling my rice
i then added suger, salt and pepper and biled then simmered for about 20 minutes, once the butternut squash was become soft i then removed it from the pot and blended it. i did not make it completely smooth though as i like just a little texture. then mixed it back into stock and added the rice
i then boiled it again added cinnamon and it was ready to eat. a ate it with a slice of buttered bread
this soup was something new for me,it was nice to try something different and it had a nice taste although it was rather sweet. I do think i would make this again but maybe not add sugar as i did enjoy it but almost felt like i was eating a treat rather than soup.